You have questions ?

Find answers to frequently asked questions.




image/svg+xml Openclipart Cartone riciclo 2011-11-01T02:49:25 https://openclipart.org/detail/165386/cartone-riciclo-by-emilie.rollandin emilie.rollandin Riciclo

  • What are the delivery areas?

    We deliver to France and Europe.

  • What are the prices & delivery options?

    Delivery costs are calculated based on the weight and dimensions of your package and appear during the order confirmation stage.

  • When will my order be shipped?

    We do everything to ship your order as quickly as possible.

  • What should I do if I receive a broken product during transport?

    We take care of the packaging in order to protect as much as possible the products you expect. If upon opening your package one or more products are broken, please inform us by email at contact@frenchcocotte.fr within 24 hours after receipt, attaching a photograph of the damaged product.

  • Can I modify my order after validation?

    If you notice an oversight or error when ordering, you can write to us within the next 24 hours at contact@frenchcocotte.fr.

  • Can I return an item?

    If you wish to return an item to us, you have 14 days after receipt of your order to let us know.



  • What payment methods do you accept?

    Our online store is configured for secure payments: you will have the choice between Paypal or 3D Secure Bank Card (Stipe) to pay for your basket.

  • Can I get a refund for my order?

    You have 14 days from delivery to return an item in the same condition in which we sent it.


image/svg+xml Openclipart Bulle droite question 2006-09-18T06:53:02 Speech bubble with a question mark. https://openclipart.org/detail/153/bulle-droite-question-by-technoargia technoargia black & white callout cartoon

  • How are the packages packaged?

    We strive to pack your packages with as much eco-friendly packaging as possible.

  • Are all items in stock?

    The items you can add to your cart are all available.

  • Are the items second hand?

    None of the parts offered are new.

  • How can I contact you?

    You can write to us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day at concat@frenchcocotte.fr or by post to FRENCHCOCOTTE, 13 rue Saint Sébastien 13006 Marseille.

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