Preliminary article - Scope

These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the “CGV) apply, without restriction or reservation to all sales concluded by the micro enterprise FRENCHCOCOTTE (“the Seller”) to consumers and non-professional buyers ( “The Customers or the Customer”), wishing to acquire the products offered for sale by the Seller (“The Products”) on the website (hereinafter the “Website”).

The General Terms and Conditions specify in particular the conditions of ordering, payment, delivery and management of possible returns of Products ordered by the Customer.

The General Terms and Conditions are accessible at any time on the Website. The version applicable to the Customer's purchase is that in force on the Website on the date the order is placed.

Modifications to the General Terms and Conditions are binding on users of the Website from the time they are put online and cannot apply to transactions previously concluded.

Article 1: Products
The Website is an online sales platform for second-hand items.

The main characteristics of the Products are presented on the Website (material, color, dimension, weight). The Customer is required to read it before placing any order.

The Seller reserves the right to make relatively minimal modifications to the characteristics of the Product(s) ordered.

The choice and purchase of a Product are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

The photographs presented on the Website are not contractual and cannot engage the responsibility of the Seller.

Product offers are within the limits of available stocks. In the event of a stock shortage, the Customer cannot order the Product.

Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in the Seller's computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

The Customer acknowledges having the required capacity to contract and acquire the Products offered on the Website.

In accordance with applicable law, the Customer has, at any time, a right of access, rectification, and opposition to all of his personal data by writing, by email and providing proof of his identity, to the address

Article 2 – Orders – Quantity of products
Any purchase on the Website must be made with or without creating a customer account.

It is up to the Customer to select the Products he wishes to order on the Website, according to the following conditions:

  • Choice of product (quantity, variants, etc.)
  • Add to Cart
  • Validation of the order “Place the order”
  • Fill in personal information (last name, first name, postal address, telephone number or email address for organizing delivery)
  • Choice of shipping method (Colissimo, Mondial Relay) and information on the total price (delivery included)
  • Payment interface (summary of personal information and shipping choice) and payment validation.

The Customer must check the details of his order, its total price and correct any errors before confirming his acceptance, in accordance with the provisions of article 1127-2 of the Civil Code.

The information is presented in French.

Product offers are valid as long as they are visible on the site, while stocks last.

The sale will only be considered final after confirmation of acceptance of the order by the Seller has been sent to the Customer by email and after receipt by the latter of the entire price.

This validation implies acceptance of all of these General Terms and Conditions and constitutes proof of the sales contract.

The Seller reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order.

Section 3Product Prices
The prices applicable for each Product are those indicated on the Website on the date the order is placed.

They are expressed in euros, all taxes included (TTC) and take into account any reductions that may be granted by the Seller on the Website.

They do not include delivery costs which are invoiced in addition, under the conditions indicated on the Website and calculated prior to validation of the order.

The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the purchase, including these costs.

An invoice is established by the Seller and attached to the package containing the Products purchased.

The Seller reserves the right to modify the prices of the Products at any time.

Article 4 - Payment conditions
The price is payable in cash, in full on the day the order is placed by the Customer, by secure payment, by bank cards (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX) or via Apple Pay and Paypal.

The highest security standards are applied to data storage and all comply with the 3D Secure standard.

Article 5 – Shipping and delivery times

5.1 Shipping
The Products are shipped within a maximum of three (3) working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays), regardless of events not controlled by the Seller (force majeure) and subject to available stocks.

These deadlines are provided for information only.

In addition to the shipping time, delivery times are added in accordance with the general conditions of each carrier.

5.2 Delivery
Delivery consists of the transfer to the Customer of physical possession or control of the Product.

The Customer is required to check the condition of the delivered products. In the event of broken Products, the Customer must send a photograph to the following address: within 24 hours of receipt. Failing this, the Seller reserves the right to refuse to replace the Products.

Except in special cases (volume of the order) or unavailability of one or more Products, the Products ordered will be delivered in one go.

Deliveries are ensured by an independent carrier, to the address mentioned by the Customer when ordering and to which the carrier can easily access.

Any error or mistake in the address communicated by the Customer resulting in non-delivery of the order or its return to the Seller, sender, cannot result in the Seller being held liable or reimbursed for delivery costs. If a new delivery is requested by the Customer, it will be at his expense.

The delivery methods offered by the Seller are Colissimo, Mondial Relay and the indicative delivery times are indicated in the general conditions of sale of these carriers. Exceeding said deadlines cannot give rise, for any reason whatsoever, to the payment of damages.

⚠️ The holding times for Mondial Relais packages have been reduced to 7 days compared to 14 previously.⚠️

Any package (regardless of the carrier) not collected within the allotted time will be considered lost and will not be eligible for any reimbursement or compensation.

Article 6Right of withdrawal and return of Products
From the day he receives the order, if, for any reason, the Customer is not satisfied with the Product(s) ordered, he has a period of fourteen (14) clear days to exercise his right of withdrawal without have to provide reasons or pay penalties, with the exception, where applicable, of return costs.

The Customer exercises this right by completing the returns form available on the Website.

The Customer attaches a printed copy of the completed form to his return shipment.

In any case, it is up to the Customer to include information enabling the order to be identified on their shipment. Failing this, the Seller reserves the right to postpone reimbursement until receipt of this information.

The Products must be returned by Colissimo La Poste to the address which will be communicated to you by email.

The Products must be returned in perfect condition and in their original packaging.

Products used, damaged or soiled cannot be refunded.

If the right of withdrawal is exercised within the aforementioned period, only the price of the Product(s) purchased will be refunded. Initial delivery costs and return costs remain the responsibility of the Customer.

The refund will be made within fourteen (14) days from receipt by the Seller of the completed return form and the Products returned in a single shipment.

Refunds are made using the same method as the purchase (bank cards, Apple Pay or Paypal).

The Seller reserves the right to refuse reimbursement in the event of non-compliance with the return conditions indicated in this article.

Beyond the period of fourteen (14) days from receipt of the order, the Products cannot be refunded. In this case, the Customer remains the owner of the Products that he has acquired on the Website.

In the event of an error made by the Company on the Products ordered, the shipping costs of the missing Products are covered by the Company (standard Colissimo or Mondial Relay delivery).

Products on sale or purchased on promotion will not be refunded.

Article 7Guarantees / Responsibility of the Seller
The Products sold on the Website comply with current French legislation.

All Products benefit from the legal regime of the guarantee of conformity provided for in articles L.211-4 et seq. of the Consumer Code as well as the guarantee against hidden defects in articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code.

The Seller cannot be held liable in the event of misuse of the Products, use for professional purposes, negligence on the part of the Customer, normal wear and tear of the Products, accident or force majeure.

Article 8 – Processing of personal data
The Website collects and processes all personal data in strict compliance with European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of personal data.

In application of the said Regulations, the Customer has, without reservation of any kind, rights of access, rectification and deletion of his data.

As part of the perfect fulfillment of its services and the perfect execution of the order, the Website guarantees that personal data relating to the delivery address of the order are solely and exclusively transmitted to the service provider delivering the Product(s). orders.

The banking data communicated as part of the payment of the order are in no case collected by the Website. Said data is collected and processed according to an IT procedure established by the company Stripe, an online payment provider, which collects it directly and securely without the Website or any third party being able, at any time, to have access to it.

For more information, please consult the Stripe company privacy policy available on the website:

Section 9-Intellectual property
The content of the Website is the property of the Seller and is protected by French laws relating to intellectual property.

Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an offense of counterfeiting.

In addition, the Seller remains the owner of all intellectual property rights over the photographs and visuals (etc.) appearing on the Website. The Customer therefore refrains from any reproduction without the express, written and prior authorization of the Seller who may condition it on financial compensation.

Article 10 – Customer Information
The Customer can contact the Seller to obtain any information by email at the following address:

Article 11 - Force majeure
The Company cannot be held liable under any circumstances if the availability of the Website or the execution of the distance sales contract is delayed or prevented due to a case of force majeure (including in particular the occurrence of a disaster natural disaster, fire, water damage, interruption of a wired or wireless electronic communications network or the electrical network).

Article 12 - Reservation of liability
With regard to IT services provided via the Internet, Customers are informed that in the state of the art, the proper functioning of the Website and its services depends on factors and/or supply intermediaries digital and internet services.

The Seller provides no guarantee relating to the quality and compatibility of the Website and the digital services available with the Customers' computer terminals and/or equipment and/or their adaptation to a specific use.

The Seller does not guarantee that access to the Website perfectly meets Customers' expectations.

Article 13 - Applicable law - Language
These General Terms and Conditions, written in French, and the operations resulting from them are subject to French law.

Article 14 - Disputes
Any dispute between the Company and a Customer on the execution of the distance sales contract and/or in the interpretation of the General Terms and Conditions must be the subject, prior to any other action, of negotiation and a search for a solution. amicable agreement between the parties.

In the event of non-amicable resolution of the said dispute, the dispute will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

Article 15 – Miscellaneous
The General Terms and Conditions constitute the entire distance sales contract accepted by the Customer and replace any offer, provision or agreement previously established.

If any of the stipulations of the General Conditions of Sale are declared null or unwritten, in light of a rule of law in force or a court decision which has become final, it is in no way liable to be amended. cause the General Terms and Conditions to be null and void or alter the validity of any other stipulation.

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